Topsystem’s pick by voice is aimed at those of you who strive for efficient, safe, but above all simple work where you can use both hands. This system is suitable for picking in stock or in production.
DLoG is a retailer of TopSystem’s products in the Nordics.
Unique voice recognition
Topsystem's unique voice recognition gives the user the opportunity to immediately start picking without "training" their voice against the system. The system is not sensitive to changes in the voice, e.g. during a cold.
Topsystem always leaves the ROI so that the project gets a serious perspective, i.e. no happy calculations.
Topsystem's unit can be used in cold storage environments.
Topsystem's software can run on a lot of different hardware such as e.g. with
Bluetooth headset against DLoG's truck computers and most established PDA manufacturers. An advantage for the customer: the possibility to choose alternative solutions during the product's lifetime.
Topsystem is always involved in the discussions together with partners and end customers as well as its users. This provides an opportunity to always have the same contact persons regardless of where the project is taking place in the world.
Topsystem® is the technologically leading system for voice-controlled and at the same time ergonomic work processes.
The hands-free/eyes-free concept ensures that the warehouse personnel have maximum freedom of movement
and can concentrate on the most important work steps.
Contact us for further information and a quote.