
ProGlove glove scanner

ProGlove glove scanner

Pro Glove is a unique and innovative product that raises expressions such as “wearable” and “mobile” to a new level. The scanning process is significantly improved both in speed and ergonomics.

ProGlove MARK 2 can be connected to other devices such as tablets, smartphones or PDAs via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

There is the possibility of two different distances “short range” or an extended scanning area of ​​up to 150 cm with the “mid range” model. It supports 1D and 2D barcodes and a battery capacity of up to 6000 scans. See also ProGlove display…



Proglove MARK 3 with “multi range“:
=> Scanning area from 10 cm up to 6 meters.
Still the same compact format 45mm x 50mm
and weighs only 39 grams.


Product video The Mark family

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